Ohkayyay 5 things September Edition

Hello everyone, happy almost fall, and welcome to “Ohkayyay 5 things” September Edition! Can you feel the fall air creeping in? I can’t wait to jump into all things fall like a big pile of leaves, but I’m holding back and clinging on to those last bits of summer. How about you? Are you ready […]

Hello everyone, happy almost fall, and welcome to “Ohkayyay 5 things” September Edition! Can you feel the fall air creeping in? I can’t wait to jump into all things fall like a big pile of leaves, but I’m holding back and clinging on to those last bits of summer. How about you? Are you ready for fall or are you being patient?

In the want to hold onto these last summer moments, and also enjoy the anticipation of the fall months ahead, here is a special Back to School Edition of “Ohkayyay 5 things.”

*As mentioned in the previous months, “Ohkayyay 5 things” is a loose and free monthly based prompt challenge with zero pressure! Just some things to get the gears turning if you need any inspiration, all based around a particular month. See August’s list here.*


Here are the “5 things” for September:


Hurry up and wait! (Any other Bluey fans out there?) The bus is on its way! I’ve always had this want of drawing characters in cars, trains, and buses and I’m using this prompt as an excuse to get my but in gear and make it happen! Here are some things to think about. What kind of “bus” would a smaller creature take to school? What color could the bus be? Maybe we can turn a bus into it’s own work of art!   


One of the best tools for an artist! I love drawing pencils, especially oversized ones. They are very nostalgic and aesthetically pleasing I find. I hope you have fun playing with this one.  


Is there anything better than finding a great story and getting lost in a book? I’ve made a promise to myself to read every single day and taking that time to focus on this goal has brought me a lot of calm in my day-to-day. What book are you reading right now? What was one of your favorite stories as a child? Connecting with those memories and stories can help fuel and motivate you for what you’re creating today, listen to those feelings!   


Don’t forget your backpack for the first day of school! What’s inside your backpack and what does the outside of it look like? My daughters both needed new backpacks and were so excited to pick them out in the store. Remember that feeling of grabbing your list and going and picking out your new school supplies? What was the number one supplies you were always looking forward to getting? 


All that school time deserves a break! Time to get outside and recharge. In one book I illustrated, “You can do it Digger” The trucks were working together to build a playground. I felt overwhelmed because where to start when drawing something big like that? But practicing and stretching my drawing muscles really helped. I’ve revisited drawing different playgrounds since, each one feeling more and more tricky, but trying and studying these different angles and sceneries have been great practice and I highly recommend it!

That’s it! The “5 things” for the month of September. Hope they help inspire you to create! 

*Note: These prompts do not have to be finished pieces, they could be a sketch, a story, a sculpture, anything! If you feel like sharing, you can use #ohkayyay5things  and tag me on instagram @ohkayyay. I’ll be sharing creations in my stories throughout the month of June! If you don’t want to share over social media, you can email me at ohkayyay@gmail.com or you can keep your beautiful creations all for yourself. I can’t wait to see what you make!* 

Thank you for reading, and have fun creating everyone! 


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Bit Bobs & Knick Knacks

An Illustration Blog with Monthly Updates.